Cheryl Chow

Cheryl Chow Campaign

P.O. Box 28832

Seattle, WA 98118-8832

Phone: (206) 570-0883

  1. Tell us about your experience with dogs.
  2. I have very fond memories of my first dog, a cocker spaniel, when I was in grade school.  Our family also owned German shepherds, mutts & Great Danes.  Owning and caring for dogs taught my brothers and I many life lessons of responsibility and caring for others, whether human or dog!
  3. Which off-leash areas have you visited?
  4. I visited the Genesee park pilot site.
  5. How would you balance the competing desires for dedicated public spaces such as ballfields, off-leash areas, boat launches, etc.?
  6. I would review the inventory of activities and spaces that are currently available throughout the city.  I would move to ensure that there is a balance of areas dedicated to the many activities that citizen's desire for city living.
  7. Seattle Municipal Code states that the Volunteer Park off-leash area is a temporary site, but it will remain open until another location on Capitol Hill can be found for a permanent off-leash area. If no other location can be found on Capitol Hill, as a Councilmember would you vote to make the temporary site a permanent site?
  8. As a council member, I voted for the off-leash sites program.  I would be open to exploring possible sites on capitol hill and the possibility that the current site be considered for a permanent site.
  9. How would you allocate funding amongst competing city-supported recreational activities: i.e. ballfields, off-leash areas, boat launches, etc.?
  10. I would review participation usage within the overall parks operational and maintenance budget.
    Given that off-leash areas have proved to build community, deter crime, and provide a place for voting, taxpaying citizens to recreate with their family and pets, where would you support siting additional off-leash areas? 
    I believe it would be very important to have locations throughout the City. When you are elected to the Seattle City Council, will you vote to support off-leash areas?
    I voted for off-leash areas when I was on the council and would have no problem with continuing my support.
  11. If you don’t respond to this survey, can we assume that you believe dog off-leash areas are "for the birds"?
  12. Sorry this response is so late. 
  13. Please add any comments you would like to share with our members and supporters.
As stated above, I have supported and voted for off-leash sites since the pilot program.  I believe it is an urban amenity that should and could be provided to our citizens in our recreation services.