Citizens for Off-Leash Areas (COLA)

1999 Seattle City Council Candidate Survey

Question 6: Given that off-leash areas have been shown to build community, deter crime, and provide a place for voting, taxpaying citizens to recreate with their family and pets, where would you support siting additional off-leash areas?

(Judy Nicastro) The City of Seattle and City Council should look into additional off-leash areas in city parks in each of Seattle's neighborhoods.

(Thomas Whittemore) Individuals and families walking their dogs on-leash through parks have always been a valuable deterrent to crime. This activity level at all hours keeps open space safer. And certainly, gatherings of dog owners at off-leash areas have created a sense of community among those frequenting these sites, and these gatherings must deter crime, camping and sexual activity in the vicinity of the off-leash area.

(Curt Firestone) Not only do off-leash areas build community and deter crime while providing a recreation for families, but also studies have shown that people who own dogs are healthier and live longer. I am in favor of expanding the number of off-leash sites in our city. I would work with COLA to determine the exact locations.

(Bob Hegamin) I have no knowledge that off-leash areas have done all that has been described in the question. I would support siting additional off-leash areas assuming the existing ones in use have performed their intended function. Where new ones could be sited would again be left up to the communities. Obviously it involves a long tedious process, far beyond the time given in this survey.

(Peter Steinbrueck) Yes, depending on the appropriateness of the location and the availability of funds to support the creation and maintenance of new off-leash areas. Clearly the demand is there. Currently there are three or four sites under consideration for new off-leash areas, including Central Woodland Park, Northacres Park, and City Light Site #3. A Capitol Hill site to replace Volunteer Park is still being sought.

(Lenora Jones) You seem to have covered the large area parks, I believe dogs need to be free to run.

(Alec Fisken) Before I can support adding off-leash areas in specific locations, I need to learn more about the available options and where the demand is greatest.

(Margaret Pageler) We may be able to site some dog runs under or beside highways, in utilities rights of way, or on surplus utility property. Some greenbelt areas would support trails and exercise areas. I'd like to see at least one more water access area developed, perhaps at a Duwamish or Lake Union street end.

(Heidi Wills) I concur with the above statements and would work with community leaders, interested groups, and COLA to find locations for additional off-leash areas.

(Dawn Mason) I would be open to briefed on places in Seattle to site additional off-leash areas.

(Cheryl Chow) I believe it would be very important to have locations throughout the City.

(Charlie Chong) I believe every neighborhood has to have an off-leash area but I don’t think they always have to be part of existing parks although they enhance them (who wants to bother women or children when people with dogs are nearby?).

Continue to Question 7